Waterslide Decals
Waterslide decals is a tranfer printed onto a special paper that will
allow your design to slide off the paper when submersed in water. Waterslide
decals are considered an indirect decorating process because the enamels
are printed flat onto the transfer paper before the application onto the
product. Clearly, the shape of the object for decoration dictates
the size and placement. One advantage to using decals is that a decal's
cover-coat is flexible and can be stretched so that the design will fit
the shape of the product. Why not promote your company and apply
your company logo on the bottom or back of the decorated products (backstamp)?
Our waterslide decals are made to be fired onto ceramic or glass products
but also can be applied onto wood or metal surfaces. Due to the fact
that our decals do not have an adhesive underside, a clear-coat or varnish
is required on top of the decal to adhere the decal to the surface.
Decal Craft does not produce open stock decals and
a printed catalog is not
Types of Products for Ceramic Decals: (Decorative Purpose Only)
Wood Candles
Soap Etc.............All Shapes And Sizes.
Waterslide Decals
Decal Craft custom makes ceramic onglaze decals. Ceramic decals
can be fired onto stoneware, bone china, and porcelain. We stock
a wide range of colors to meet your needs. This includes precious metal
gold, purples, metallic silver and bronze.
Types of Products for Ceramic Decals: (Decorative Purpose Only)
Lamps |
Coffee mugs |
College Steins |
Plates |
Tap Handles |
Tiles |
Bottles Etc......All Shapes and
Sizes |
Waterslide Decals
Glass decals are produced in two firing temperatures, for soda lime
glassware (drink ware) and borosilicate (pyrex) glass used in industrial
and commercial applications. We stock a wide range of colors to meet your
needs. This includes precious
metal gold, purples, metallic silver and
bronze and satin etch.
Types of Products for Glass Decals: (Decorative Purpose Only)
Wine Glass/Flute
Lamps Bottles
Lab Glass
Glass Mugs Etc.............All Shapes And Sizes.
Borosilicate decals are printed in a wide array of colors. Suitable for hand
blown glass, art glass, laboratory and scientific applications.
Request a quote for
your next custom job.
Please check out ready made (stock)
borosilicate decals - our product line is
constantly expanding. An assortment of decals in various colors can be ordered
Lead-Free Decals
To meet your
regulatory, design and printing requirements, we have introduced lead-free
decals. Currently we only offer a very limited color selection. Currently only
black (glass and ceramic) and glass etch is available. We will be expanding the
color range in the future.
Names (Name Drops)
Town names are the names of cities, towns or events that can be printed
and be applied to existing stock designs. There are thousands and
thousands of stock designs available which can be easily transformed into
an exclusive souvenir design for a particular event or location.
pc minimum)
Personalized names(36
name minimum), phone numbers and
Backstamps(250 pc minimum) are available in both ceramic
on-glaze and glass temperature. Personal names are printed and priced on a
per setup basis. Each setup consists of a print area of 9"x15", and
the amount of names per set up will depend on the sizing of each name.
Have your company recognized on every decorated ware with a
backstamp. Film charges applicable.
Ceramic Firing Range:
735º -
770º Celsius (1390º
- 1420º Fahrenheit)
Recommended cone, 017
Firing Range*:
800º - 900º Celsius (1470º
- 1650º Fahrenheit)
Recommended cone, 016
or 015
Higher firing is for ceramic/porcelain
Holding peak temperature 10 – 20 minutes (depending on conditions and
*Lead-Free decals requires a slow
firing cycle.
Glass Firing Range
(Decorative & Lead-Free): 580º -
Celsius (1050º - 1120º Fahrenheit)
Recommended cone, 022 or 021
Lower firing is for glassware
Holding peak temperature 10 – 20 minutes (depending on conditions and
Fast Firing: You can fire at the upper firing limits, at a
fast ramp up of temperature with no hold at the peak temp.
*Lead-Free decals requires a slow
firing cycle.
For best results, allow decorated ware to
thoroughly dry before firing. These temperatures are by no means absolutes
and we therefore suggest that you
request samples to try on your wares under
your conditions. Firing conditions and substrates
will vary and will have varying results.
Under optimum conditions, the firing cycle
should be slow and well ventilated.
Please note that we cannot take
responsibility for the lead and cadmium levels of the ceramic/glass decals
when fired. Unless otherwise stated please DO NOT
decorate on surfaces that come in contact with food or drink.
Please see
our regulations
If decals are used on food-bearing surfaces,
we recommend that the products be tested to comply with FDA
and state rules.
Cost Guidelines
The cost of a custom decal will depend on the number of colors to be printed,
the size of the image, and the quantity required. Due to the nature of
the printing, there is 10% overrun and underrun on quantity ordered.
Our minimum order quantity per design is 150 pieces. We also print name drops (town names) with a minimum
quantity of 250 pieces per name
and backstamps(min.250 pcs) . Multiple designs
with common colors can often be printed on the same setup. This can
be a more economical method of production. Additional charges to
consider are artwork/film charges, shipping and taxes.
Please complete our price estimate form if you
have a design or logo you are interested in producing as waterslide decals.
Decal Craft does not produce stock decals and is
a custom decal manufacturer. A
printed catalog is not available.